- There will be some amazing colours in Brighton such as the sea, the sun chairs, the rides, the food etc. so we need to make sure we get lots of footage of a range of colours then we will be able to experiment with washes and colour changes in editing.
- It will be an excellent opportunity to experiment with shot sizes for example extreme close ups showing great depth of field on interesting objects with original textures and colours.
- Another idea we have decided on is to try out the performance side of our music video, so we definitely want to film ourselves lip syncing to our song then layer the sound over the top in editing. This will give us the chance to decide on what kind of background we want for the artist, e.g. a wall covered in graffiti or a pebbled beach with the waves coming in behind the artist.
- A more conceptual technique would be to have a long piece of footage of cars or pedestrians going by or the sea coming in with the artist standing still facing the camera amongst the movement sped up.
- A montage of lots of different locations with lots of movement such as pans and handicam shots with interesting angles like high angles (if we can) and canted angles. In editing we can see what some shots look like flipped upside down.
- To add a conceptual look to our music video, we could experiment with the lighting of shots in making them darker in colour as our song features the lyrics 'night'. This would make it more amplified in contrasting the brightness of our shots to make it conventional of the pop genre.
- We could further explore establishing shots in acknowledging what looks professional, as we will have the perfect opportunity of being able to get a pan of the Brighton sea front.
- Montage editing is an aspect of post production we could possibly look to include within our music video, gathering a collective range of still images from Brighton's fascinating environment. Including shots of the pier, beach, pebbles, arcades, ice cream stalls etc. This is also a conventional feature of the pop genre as it is forcing the audience to consider more than one thing at a time on screen, which effectively increases the repeatability of our video.
- To achieve a smooth finish to our video, we could use the track and dolly to form a few of our shots which would work particularly well if we were to include a moving shot. For example, if we were to film a person on roller skates going down a path.
Good work girls looking forward to seeing the results