Thursday, 16 October 2014

CB: Contribution to the Pitch

Overall Contribution
  • We all prepared the pitch together and were allocated different sections to do individually which we would be talking about to the class. However, although we put these slides together separately, we all looked over each others slides and scripts to make sure that the ideas were correct and we were communicating what we wanted to convey.
  • After we finished putting together our slides, me and Emma-Louise sent them to Amelia to fit together in an orderly way so that they flowed together smoothly. She further went on to add animations to the transactions of the PowerPoint in order to give it a professional look worthy of being presented to an audience.
  • I managed the slides regarding genre, costumes, difficulties and digipak designs. I only included simple bullet point ideas on the PowerPoint slide initially, as I didn't want to overcrowd the slide with too much information which would have been complex for the class to look at. Therefore, using my script I went on to explain my given aspects of our concept further as I spoke. I included a few simple pictures on my slides of examples of what I was saying so that the audience could visualise what I was attempting to portray.

We want our music video to contain performance and conceptual aspects, as we felt this would be an appropriate way to approach our chosen track of Foxes - Night Owls, Early Birds. This is because the track makes many animalistic references to nature in which we could adapt an amplified effect to connect the lyrics and visuals together, in showing a picture of an 'owl' or 'bird' toy for example when the lyrics relating to animals are sung. We also wanted to include narrative fuzz in order to relate the conceptual shots with the performance shots so that they didn't look disjunctive to the song and made sense with the mood and atmosphere. Furthermore, we want to make our music video conventional of the pop genre in using stereotypical locations such as fields and streets, to maintain a pop feel and clearly communicate that this is the genre we are representing. Being an all girl group, we thought it would be appropriate to symbolise female vulnerability as the mood of the song is quite dismal and connotes a one night stand at the beginning of the song. This would be easy for us to replicate as we could manipulate the use of make up and costume to show that the actor hasn't been home from the night before. Finally, due to the nature of our video containing a solo female artist/actor we could include a large aspect of voyeurism in following the actor and lingering the camera on her to establish a rapport with the audience. To maintain a conventional pop look, we could add some fetishism in focusing the camera on sexualised features of the actor such as legs, arms and chest which would conform to the artists star persona of being viewed as a 'sexual magnet'.

To connote the one night stand from the beginning of the song, we want to keep it realistic in dressing our actor in a plain, dull, purple dress. This will represent both the mood and feel of the song whilst also showing the situation in a negative way. The main actor will also be holding leopard print heels in her hand as we want to show that she has slipped away quietly from her messy night before. We wanted to use the leopard print pattern for the actors shoes as this has connotations of being cheap and tacky, with the age of the actor (being 17) not having much money to dress herself eloquently. As one of our main themes is to empower women throughout the video and demonise men, we want to dress the male actors in suits and animal masks. This will under represent them and display them as animals (according to the actor as she is angry about being used for one night stand).

One of the difficulties we will face when filming is the issue with travel in getting to our field location which is situated in Knockholt. Another difficulty will be punctuality of the whole cast as there is 9 of us in total. With different people having different responsibilities and work commitments it may be hard for us to gather everyone together on the same day. For the beginning shots of our song, we pictured it to be early in the morning with the idea of the one night stand. Therefore we would have an early morning schedule which everyone might not be able to make. For the street location particularly, we will face the difficulty of filming in public which would get unwanted extras in our shots which could make it look unprofessional. This is not what we want. As we are including narrative fuzz, we could face the risk of making the whole video have a narrative feel which is not what we want either therefore avoiding this will be a challenge. Finally, with weather conditions being fairly rainy and us filming in public locations, we will need to ensure that all equipment is safe from damage.

For our digipak design, we want to keep it fairly simplistic to conform to the style of Foxes the artist who mainly has album covers with plain colours and bold fonts. Foxes also has a MCU of herself looking into the camera as the main picture on her album to identify her with it and establish that it is her album. Colours we would want our digipak to have are pinks, purples and blues as this is what Foxes uses and further doesn't divert attention away from her image.

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