
London Grammar - Nightcall (2013)
Fields are very generic locations for pop music videos as they have a variety of connotations. They can signify wild inner thoughts or behaviour, they can suggest animalistic references and they can imply naturalistic, stripped down ideas.
Colour grading is very important in the videos I have looked at above as this can completely change the whole mood of the song. "Only Girl" by Rihanna has very saturated, warm colours like pink and red, promoting happiness and love. However "We Found Love", also by Rihanna has very drained colours to match the depressing tone of the song. "Come & Get" It by Selena Gomez uses bright but cold colours like blue, which creates quite a mystic and emotionless feel to it. Finally, "Nightcall" by London Grammar uses low key lighting to form a dark, sombre atmosphere. I did my location reccie in the afternoon on a sunny day so the colours are very bright, connoting happiness. For our concept we will want to edit the colours to be colder, more like "Come & Get It" to go with our themes of despair and regret. I experimented with establishing shots, long shots and close ups to use a range of common shots that will be essential in our music video.

Great photos Emma, but you need supporting comments or the post is meaningless